I've been living in San Francisco since 1997. That Practically makes me a native. Not really, I know. But you know what I mean. This city is full of people who have been here less than five years, but feel like they are experts on The City. I was here for the first dot.com boom, and I'll be here after the current tech bubble bursts, spraying hipster parts all over Valencia street like some kind of disaster movie.
My friends and I talk a lot about San Francisco... what we love about it... what we dislike about it... whats wrong with it, and how to fix it. I find myself spending a lot of free time fantasizing about huge complicated solutions to the many ills that burden our beloved Baghdad By The Bay*.
Sometimes I may resort to facile rhetoric here... but at best, I want a place where I can carefully formulate and convey complex ideas. I've been using twitter for this purpose for a couple years now, and its not a very good tool. If the only tool you have is 140 characters, every problem has a 140 character solution.
Seeing people bitch and complain on twitter, without having put much thought into the issues makes me believe that 140 character solutions are part of the problem.
Here's to solutions!
Hopefully, I can convince some of my friends to guest post here. We'll see.
*This name for The City far predates the first Iraq War, and the sneering insult that Republicans and conservatives mean it to be. Read some Herb Caen and get to know the history of your city. As for me, I'm taking the name back... I'm Re-appropriating it. Screw the mouth breathers and pols from flyover states who think this is some kind of insult. I live in Baghdad by the Bay, and I'm proud of it!
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